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Blog Spot for Non-Profits to Post WISH LISTS -So That Others May Donate
(Limit of 5 items)
To have your Non-Profit Wish list posted here, click on the Contact Us button at the top right of this page and email us the name of your Organization and your list of 5 items. We will get the information posted just as soon as we can!
To donate any of the items listed by the Non-Profits here, click on the Contact Us button at the top right of this page and email us your contact information, the item(s) you would like to donate and the name of the Non-Profit you would like to make the donation to. We will make the connection between the donor and the Non-Profit just as soon as we can!
1. fund raising mechanism
2. equity accountability system featuring progress and performance indicator
3. community investment portfolio
4. immersion arts strategies that makes the communication and healing power of art available to all social systems
5. a standard glossary of terms that is consistent or mutually reinforcing between all socio-economic delivery systems.
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